fox or hedgehog

Fox or hedgehog: Which are you?

Oxford philosopher Isaiah Berlin split thinkers into two groups: Hedgehogs and Foxes. He explained that while the fox thinker knows something about many things, the hedgehog thinker knows a lot about one big thing. Described from a marketing perspective, hedgehogs have a single, grand idea or approach that they apply to everything, while foxes come up with new ideas for each unique situation. For instance, Berlin argued that Plato and Dostoyevsky were hedgehogs, seeing the world clearly and simply, while Aristotle and Shakespeare were foxes, never convinced of the world’s truths and viewing society as very complex.

This theory of two basic types of people, thoughts and approaches has carried on throughout the years. Even renown newspaper columnist and humorist, Robert Benchley, joked when he said, there are just two kinds of people in the world: those who think there are just two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t – Fox or hedgehog.

Good to Great” author Jim Collins believes that hedgehogs develop and lead great companies because they are singularly focused while foxes’ businesses may find themselves confused and dispersed. So what does this have to do with marketing and branding? Be a hedgehog if you want singularly focused messaging. If your target is broad and plays in many arenas, be a fox and keep up with them.

Another important reason to know which winning animal you, your company and your marketing efforts are, is to know how you are perceived by investors. Just as there are fox and hedgehog business owners, there are fox and hedgehog investors. The fox-style investor typically supports multiple industries, products and services. And yes, you guessed it, the hedgehog-type investor is singularly focused on the business model, product and industry that is appealing to her or him. So, when seeking financing and identifying new prospects, do your research. If you are more hedgehog in your business approach, but sure to stay away from the foxes.

Talk soon!

Marketing mama

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